October 16, 2006

PB and J (again)

2 pcs. bread
1 tsp. peanut butter ( creamy)
1 tsp jelly ( preferably grape)

Spread PB and J on one side of the bread and top with the other. Keeps indefinitely.

I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. As you know, it is my mainstay for school lunch should I lose my lunch break.

I spoke to Ally yesterday. Over the weekend, she, along with 4 other volunteers had made 800 PB and J sandwiches to serve people doing an AIDS walk in Philadelphia. Other volunteers made another 1200 sandwiches for this walk. In addition to the time put in making the PB and J, Ally had just put in a 60 hour work week. All this for a living stipend of around $140 per week. Nevertheless, she loves what she does and continues to speak highly of the program and staff that she works with.She is learning a lot, honing up on her leadership skills as well as her marketing skills (she has to make presentations and recruit for city-year). More power to her!!!
I am so proud of her. Needless to say, though, she cannot look at another PB and J sandwich for a long time.


Blogger K-Kix said...

remeber when you made chesca, me and peggy help out in making 3500 corn beef and hamburger sandiches for PDCP for Richie's dad?

I dreamt about making sandiches for days after...

I can imagine how Ally feels.
Yes, you should be proud of her.

PS: Chesca got locked in the bathroom

11:31 PM  
Blogger Charissa said...

I was thinking of that while I was writing.

8:52 PM  
Blogger Liz Dwyer said...

How funny! I just ate PB&J for breakfast on toasted bread. But no grape jelly, I used strawberry jam instead.

11:20 AM  

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